The Tutor Group™

#1829 - 3230 Yonge Street.
Toronto, ON M4N 3P6 Canada
(mailing address)

Phone: (416) 221-0018
Fax: (416) 221-0057

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School Placement Consultation

at The Tutor Group

School Placement with Janyce Lastman simply means helping families understand how to choose a school. An individualized school placement consultation is the next best thing to a personal “guide to schools” for each child and situation. School placement consultations include recommendations for “best fit” programs and how to access them, whether around the block or across the globe.

Parents of young children just entering school, relocating families, or those experiencing language or cultural differences often especially appreciate an insider’s look at what today’s public and private school systems can offer in their communities. Insight into varying educational philosophies from Montessori to Waldorf, parochial (religion-based) to Independent, and specialty streams such as French Immersion, alternative schools, special education options, and specialized high school programs, is also available.

All school placement (and other Educational) Consultations and Case Management Services are expertly managed by Janyce Lastman. These services include: