The Tutor Group

#1829 - 3230 Yonge Street.
Toronto, ON M4N 3P6 Canada
(mailing address)

Phone: (416) 221-0018
Fax: (416) 221-0057

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Welcome to The Tutor Group!

Who We Are

Logo of The Tutor Group.
The Tutor Group is a private tutoring and education consulting service, in-person and online, under the supervision of Janyce Lastman LL.B, Education Consultant and Case Manager. Founded in 1979, TTG provides tutoring services (both in-person and online) and related student support across the GTA; Janyce Lastman provides consultation services to families, students, organizations and schools around the world.


What Makes The Tutor Group Different?

A tutor helps a student work on some problems.
While our personalized, one-on-one tutorials typically happen in the family home or student’s school*, we also provide services for personalized online tutoring. Our tutors are also comfortable liaising with teachers or other professionals (consent required).
This approach offers many advantages:
  • New students feel more comfortable on familiar turf. This allows our tutors to develop and strengthen the personal connection that makes our approach especially effective.
  • Our tutors can model – and then monitor – study and organizational skills in real time within a student’s actual study space, with materials and supplies close at hand.
  • Ongoing communication and feedback happens naturally and often, but also respects older students’ need for independence and “personal space”.
  • Last but not least, families need not worry about transportation logistics, which reduces everyone’s stress!

* For older students or in special circumstances,
ask us about tutoring in other settings.

What We Do Well

We provide tutoring support in a wide variety of traditional Core subjects for most grade levels and ages. We can also support young adults and lifelong learners in a variety of ways. Support for all ages is also available across the curriculum for Study and Organization Skills, Essay Writing, Project and Time Management etc.

Test Preparation (Test Prep or Test Tips) can help students who struggle to “show what they know” in classroom testing or exam situations. Support is also offered for standardized tests such as EQAO Grades 3, 6, 9 and OSSLT Grade 10, private school entrance exams like the SSAT, and high-stakes testing for post-secondary and graduate programs including PSAT, SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, etc. Our experience in test-taking and personalized guidance gives students and standard test takers an added advantage using targeted practice, and provide an insider’s look into test design including twists and tricks.


There can be no true teaching without first reaching a student – and those who attempt to get there by preaching soon negate both.

- Janyce Lastman, Education Consultant and TTG Director

  A relocating family; typical education consult clients.               A young boy with Down syndrome; a typical education consult client.               An athletic scholarship applicant; a typical education consult client.               A teen with medical needs; a typical education consult client.

Who is Janyce Lastman?

Janyce Lastman is an experienced Education Consultant whose practice ranges from helping parents understand their local school options and education guidance for students, to more intensive case management often involving special needs.


What Makes Janyce Different?

Janyce's specialties include:

We also offer:


While the majority of our clients are local, several services are highly transferrable. Whether you are nearby, elsewhere in Canada, or are internationally located, we would be pleased to answer any further questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact us directly.

Choosing the best school requires plenty of consumer research, plus a willingness to compromise and settle. It’s not unlike choosing a job, spouse or home. To paraphrase the rock legend Mick Jagger: you can’t always get what you want – so you must know what your child truly needs. An education consultation can clarify which school features are absolute musts, versus those you’d prefer but are not essential. It will also remind you that anything else should be seen as a bonus.

- Janyce Lastman, Education Consultant and TTG Director