The Tutor Group™

#1829 - 3230 Yonge Street.
Toronto, ON M4N 3P6 Canada
(mailing address)

Phone: (416) 221-0018
Fax: (416) 221-0057

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Test Tips And Test Taking Skills
Support at The Tutor Group

General test tips or more personalized, targeted test taking skills support from Janyce Lastman, will familiarize the child, teen or young adult with test requirements, application/portfolio and interview expectations and procedures for specific testing situations.

Test Taking supports are available for EQAO (for Grades 3, 6 and 9); OSSLT (Ontario Grade 10 Literacy Test); SSAT (Lower and Upper); PSAT, SAT or ACT as well as selected SAT Subject Tests; and for pre-professional school entrance exams such as the LSAT, MCAT, GMAT etc.

TTG Core Tutors may be used with or without other test taking supports when mastery of academic content of test material (eg. math, vocabulary, writing skills) is also of concern.

Our test-taking programs are highly personalized, quite select, and often fill in advance. For older students, personal preparation or completion of a group test preparation course is often recommended before we become involved, TTG does not provide last minute or cram “Test Prep” as this promotes poor study habits, erodes student accountability through last-minute rescue and typically yields neither immediate nor lasting benefit. For those seeking assistance just prior to an actual standardized or entrance exam however, our general test tips option may be of some assistance.

Please contact the office for an explanation of the different Test Taking support options we offer, and to determine which might best assist.